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The Most Popular Japanese Bloggers TOP 9

The Most Popular Japanese Bloggers TOP 9


I want to check out the popular bloggers in Japan.
How Japanese bloggers monetise their blogs??



I want to write a blog in Japanese.

If you have these questions, I’m here to help you.

In this article, I’m going to introduce you the most popular Japanese bloggers.

  • Ikeda Hayato (イケハヤ)
  • Manablog (マナブログ)
  • Ancha (アンチャ)
  • Lutty (るってぃ)
  • Yamamoto Ryuken (やまもとりゅうけん)
  • Kuronekoya (クロネコ屋)
  • Mofumofu Fudosan (もふもふ不動産)
  • Makring (マクリン)
  • Oki Keita (沖ケイタ)

How I chose these 9 bloggers??

It’s all based on the search volume for the brand, statictics from Ahref, numbers of social followers.

I also listed up their valuable pages, keywords that rank on google and get traffic as well.


Let’s dive in

Ikeda Hayato (イケダハヤト)


He is known as the first professional blogger in Japan.

In his blog, he teaches us how to live better by the following lifestyle;

  • Move-in country-side for the chill life
  • Quit being employed and become a freelancer or blogger
  • Invest on cryptocurrency etc

A lot of people hate him because he’s opinion is a bit irresponsible and disrespectful to people who work in a company.

In my opinion, he’s good at catching a trend and defenatly help us to keep up the trend.



He has been publishing great content for SEO and Web Marketing for years.

Lately, he changed his strategy to be a lifestyle blogger/YouTuber.

He’s really hard-working which is why a lot of people like him and tried to copy his mindset and lifestyle.

Yamamoto Ryuken (やまもとりゅうけん)


He used to work as a programmer and MLM distributors before.

Now he’s delivering his message to be a programmer, not to be a MLM distributor based on his experience.

His online salon is really big and not he’s making up a team to consult companies for web marketing with his online salon members.

Ancha (あんちゃ)


He used to be one of the most successful bloggers and now she’s focusing on her writing career.

Her blog looks Japanese girly style which stands her up in the scene.

Based on Ahref data, looks like her blog’s traffic has been down since the Google Algorithm update around 2019 March.

Lutty (るってぃ)


He’s blog title is “プロ無職” which means “Professional jobless man”.

His message is to live freely and do whatever you like.

That’s what he’s doing and he’s doing pretty good.

Kuronekoya (クロネコ屋)


He’s a pure affiliator who’s offering the solution against boldness.

He’s also teaching how to write a blog and earn from affiliate programs.

Mofu Mofu Fudosan (もふもふ不動産)


His blog is about real estate and he teaches how to invest in real estate.

Makurin (マクリン)


His blog is about gadgets and he earns from Amazon Associate. 

By the way, he uses the same WordPress theme(SANGO) as me.

Oki Keita (沖ケイタ)


He used to be one of the top bloggers before but He’s been down after Google Algorithm Update.

Now he started managing co-working space.

I like his profile page.


Being a blogger is getting harder and harder these days.

But still, a lot of people start blogging and it’s good to know how the top players get traffic and monetize. 

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